I have been waiting for my boss to update the store designs on her site so I can post images of the news designs I made this past week but alas, she is slow to update. (I finished them in store and forgot that having copies of the design might be good for my portfolio...I may just redraw them) I will post images when I have them. This is the first time I have ever made designs to be sold in a store. Kinda neat to think about the fact that in 10 years, some kid who got a gift with my designs on it (or the other store designs that I painted) will be hating something I made with the type of passion only a teenager can muster. Fantastic!
I did make
this cute little painting for a friend of mine. He has a thing for chickens.
I also promised some
doll pictures. These are all made of sculpey and hand painted with acrylics after backing. I now wish I had taken scuplture while in school instead of having to figure it all out myself, but I think I did alright. With the exception of
Mr. and
Mrs. Ceph, these dolls were made for a contest. All dolls were based of images provided by Three Rings Design and are not for sale. If you're wondering "why scupley not clay?!" it's because I don't have access to a kiln, but I DO have access to an oven. All about easy baking here.